~~Nachi's Poems~~

A Collection of My Poems

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Guest House

There is a place, a house..a heart we all want to go to..
taking off our clothes..our ego..our mind..
to show the beauty inside us and the scars.

In this house, place & heart..we become one in union
to speak the language of love..
leaving behind the clothes of sex, creed, country & pride
to enter as spirit divine..

And we
greet the other with pure transparent nakedness
offering ones entire self,
to love deeply, madly, wholeheartedly

devoid of mind games & judgements
to meet above the ground of right & wrong..




I have always felt that Every man and woman and child yearns for a place, House, A heart where one can just take off ones clothes of social norms..being right..being normal..successful and smart. That of ones sexual identity, age, intelligence and other criterians. and all those invisible clothes that we wear along the path of growing up to be an 'adult' person.

An Unnamed Poem ~

There is a certain knowingness of Love..which can not be understood by knowing.. It has to be felt by heart; in the heat of the day and the darkness of night. This love when felt by a heart, lights up a Life and such life becomes alive.. There is a end to knowledge and to the most sacred pilgrimage of all. but there is no end to how much one can Love. There comes a point where everyone, the master and the commoner stand equal to one another.. That point is where they begin to Love & share.



There is a kind of energy inside us..which describes us or defines us..and when there are these moments when we appriciate life, beauty around or inside us..we are connected with this same energy..lifeforce.

It is amazing to get connected to a flower, tree, river, person, book, song from inside and get soaked in the beauty of divine.

This is what I wanted to convey when i wrote this poem.

So many times I felt standing equal and true to poems of Tagore, Gibran, Rumi..as if there lay no wall between them and me..

I love this equality combined with beauty and an out of box relationship with the source in other..and me.

Friends Call

In the wilderness and Hopelessness of Life

Its a True Friends call that Brings Life Back to My Life.

To Love One Other Like A Friend is to hear HIS Call

Its what God Wanted from us in all.

How does a Flower Blossom, all for Love's call.

The fruits are ripened with juice and flavor

and the trees grow tall reaching for the skies

its for the sweet nectar of Love

~On Emptyness and Shalowness of Life~

One day I was scratching the empty vessell of my life..

I felt sad about the emptyiness in my life..

I couldnt see many of the references that people had in their life..

and this emptyiness was making my heart ache in pain and loneliness

but then i saw men, women and children having the references, wholeness in life...

and how empty some of their lives were too..

and they too craved for space, freedom in their life but couldnt find a space for such was their life..

and I said..Thank God my life is empty..maybe I can pick up and choose the things I want in my life..

for I have so much space to fill into my life...

I can put the scents of a flower, human spirit that I like...and a smile of a young child coming from uncorrupted world of innocence.

and there were the old, beaten, lost, no ones..I had to take care of those too..

and there will be always some space for a song that I like and a Book that I love..

and life wouldnt be same without my friends and Angels either...

so I kept a big share for them..

I kept a share for God too..HE too needs someone to Love HIM..

yet there was some space left unfilled...

but it didint worry me as before..

I know enough to know..that it can be used anytime..for a new opening in Life..

I know there can be this emptyiness or shalowness in life..

but such emptynes neednt be a curse at all

and I pray to God..when given a choice in any given moment May it be that I choose this Emptyness over shalowness..

That this Emptyiness may work as Gift in someones life..to bring a smile, faint hope, hug and a moment to cheer about..

that no wealth, love, work earned through shalow heart can be worth of this emptyiness..

~On The Singer & The Song~

You are not the singer, You are the Song on HIS Lips.
Like a Flow of wind pressing its lips on the bamboo jungle
to give rise to a sweet humming tune of love...
Dont Limit yourself just to be a plain bamboo stick
for You are HIS creation of Soul and Passion for Music of Heart

Throw away the mirrors that do not reflect the real beauty of Your face of Heart

And Look the Reflection of Your Self in the Eyes of the Person
whom You have touched with your Geninue Heart.
Dont let someone judge You for who You are
For Your True Worth can not be measured in your weight, beauty or physical appearance
it can be only measured in the Beauty of Your Heart..
So Let the Lord Press HIS Lips onto Your Soul
To Sing a Heartfelt Song on who You Truely Are.

~On Child..Man & On God~

In every adult there is a small child, whose afarid to grow up into an adult
who is afarid of darkness of the night;
and getting into adulthood.

when that child sees the pains of the adulthood
he doesnt let go of childhood..like peter pan
he is afarid of adults too

we dont grow into adults as long as we make peace
with the child in us.

So bring out the child in you,
by letting go of the struggle
of being an adult who faces the world
but is too afarid to face the child within

Let your hair down and be the small
child that once you were even if for a moment or two
accept that you have fears and accpet that sometimes you want to cry too
let the tears come out or the innocent smile the way only a child can smile.

Look in the miror and see the child within you
wink at him /her and give him /her a hug
dont we get tired of being right and wanting to be right
dont we want to love ourselves for what we are

maybe we need to look in to the eyes of the child within us
and tell him that there is no reason to be afarid to became into adult
that you will carry him/ her no matter what.

You need not let go of their child
to be an adult for the child within you & me
is what they the wise call God.

~May It Be~

Yesterday I saw a nude woman eating food on the road..
the sight was painful to watch..and I didn't know how to look at her
through which eyes?
through the eyes of love? or indifference?
which would have been worse for her..
I couldn't pass on any comfort to her..nor love..
I couldn't even give a piece of cloth to cover her body..
our eyes meet for a second..and I had to turn my eyes away..
looking into her eyes was like looking at the Sun..
there was fire in them..and they seemed to be from another world..
(as if they had crossed over a boundary in life..
and had gone beyond certain Truths that we all hold dear to our heart..
like the one where we think we are protected in this world by God..)

I have heard of Lord Krishna wrapping cloth over draupadis body
to protect her from praying eyes..
but we have come long away from the Yuga(age) of Mahabharata..
or maybe this suffering is only an illusion..
maybe in the killing heat of the city roads..
with no shelter and no clothes on her body..
this woman is deeply loved by God..
maybe this life of hers is only a nightmare..
it will all end soon..
I hope for her sake & mine..
may it end with an outcome of love..


I don't know what to say..I saw a nude woman yesterday..begging on the streets..sitting on the road..eating her food..with cars passing by..on the same road..people watching her..I didn't know what to make out of it..I was suddenly taken over by anger..at myself and at my God..I had not even enough money nor will power to buy her a piece of cloth..

The least I can do for her..and for myself is to somehow turn that experience of hurt, pain..into love..I can not take away her pain..but I can send her as much Love that I can with my heart..and hope that her days will change for the better.

~I AM~

I feel there is a field of consciousness where God Lives..
this field is 'I AM'..
a common denominator which all of us have..
where ever there is I AM..so is God..
and so are we..in parts..
In that Field..I can You and You become ME..
and interchange parts..
You can be a beggar on the street..
or even be someone famous & Rich..
All You have to do is to close your eyes..
and enter into this field..by imagining..
and being..the 'I AM' that you want to be..
You can even be God..if You'd like to be..
but then you already are!

Dear All,


There are certain beliefs and philosophies that are integral part of our being..We do not read them in Holy books or any book..we seem to known them even before our birth..

The poem that I am about to share..it one such truth that I have always held closest to my heart..I haven't shared it much because I felt Everybody has their views on God..and what is Christian may not be Hindu and so on..as I was thinking about the woman on the street yesterday..I also thought long on why is bothered me so much..and not others..and I came to know instantly...it is because of my way that I see reality..or God..and the world around me.

I hope you will like the poem..even though you might disagree with it..

With Much Love,
