~On The Singer & The Song~
You are not the singer, You are the Song on HIS Lips.
Like a Flow of wind pressing its lips on the bamboo jungle
to give rise to a sweet humming tune of love...
Dont Limit yourself just to be a plain bamboo stick
for You are HIS creation of Soul and Passion for Music of Heart
Throw away the mirrors that do not reflect the real beauty of Your face of Heart
And Look the Reflection of Your Self in the Eyes of the Person
whom You have touched with your Geninue Heart.
Dont let someone judge You for who You are
For Your True Worth can not be measured in your weight, beauty or physical appearance
it can be only measured in the Beauty of Your Heart..
So Let the Lord Press HIS Lips onto Your Soul
To Sing a Heartfelt Song on who You Truely Are.
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