~~Nachi's Poems~~

A Collection of My Poems

Thursday, May 12, 2005

~May It Be~

Yesterday I saw a nude woman eating food on the road..
the sight was painful to watch..and I didn't know how to look at her
through which eyes?
through the eyes of love? or indifference?
which would have been worse for her..
I couldn't pass on any comfort to her..nor love..
I couldn't even give a piece of cloth to cover her body..
our eyes meet for a second..and I had to turn my eyes away..
looking into her eyes was like looking at the Sun..
there was fire in them..and they seemed to be from another world..
(as if they had crossed over a boundary in life..
and had gone beyond certain Truths that we all hold dear to our heart..
like the one where we think we are protected in this world by God..)

I have heard of Lord Krishna wrapping cloth over draupadis body
to protect her from praying eyes..
but we have come long away from the Yuga(age) of Mahabharata..
or maybe this suffering is only an illusion..
maybe in the killing heat of the city roads..
with no shelter and no clothes on her body..
this woman is deeply loved by God..
maybe this life of hers is only a nightmare..
it will all end soon..
I hope for her sake & mine..
may it end with an outcome of love..


I don't know what to say..I saw a nude woman yesterday..begging on the streets..sitting on the road..eating her food..with cars passing by..on the same road..people watching her..I didn't know what to make out of it..I was suddenly taken over by anger..at myself and at my God..I had not even enough money nor will power to buy her a piece of cloth..

The least I can do for her..and for myself is to somehow turn that experience of hurt, pain..into love..I can not take away her pain..but I can send her as much Love that I can with my heart..and hope that her days will change for the better.


  • At May 20, 2005 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Natchi,
    Seeing others pain is a kind of enrichment in that we count our many blessings and so appreciate the hardships of others. Perhaps the world can not change over night but the seed of awareness is sown within that moment of time being passed along by the wind to you and anyone reading this. Awareness is the start of the bigger picture. Thank you for your writing and the beauty within it. Love and light friend from Jan. aka Joyfulspirit1962


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