~~Nachi's Poems~~

A Collection of My Poems

Thursday, May 12, 2005

~On Emptyness and Shalowness of Life~

One day I was scratching the empty vessell of my life..

I felt sad about the emptyiness in my life..

I couldnt see many of the references that people had in their life..

and this emptyiness was making my heart ache in pain and loneliness

but then i saw men, women and children having the references, wholeness in life...

and how empty some of their lives were too..

and they too craved for space, freedom in their life but couldnt find a space for such was their life..

and I said..Thank God my life is empty..maybe I can pick up and choose the things I want in my life..

for I have so much space to fill into my life...

I can put the scents of a flower, human spirit that I like...and a smile of a young child coming from uncorrupted world of innocence.

and there were the old, beaten, lost, no ones..I had to take care of those too..

and there will be always some space for a song that I like and a Book that I love..

and life wouldnt be same without my friends and Angels either...

so I kept a big share for them..

I kept a share for God too..HE too needs someone to Love HIM..

yet there was some space left unfilled...

but it didint worry me as before..

I know enough to know..that it can be used anytime..for a new opening in Life..

I know there can be this emptyiness or shalowness in life..

but such emptynes neednt be a curse at all

and I pray to God..when given a choice in any given moment May it be that I choose this Emptyness over shalowness..

That this Emptyiness may work as Gift in someones life..to bring a smile, faint hope, hug and a moment to cheer about..

that no wealth, love, work earned through shalow heart can be worth of this emptyiness..


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