~~Nachi's Poems~~

A Collection of My Poems

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

~Unnamed Poem~

How does one give a label to ones Love for someone
What means Love to You? the Guiding Spirit asked me..
and then I said this in reply...
Love is like two Rivers merging into each other to be one in flow of love,
like the love between River Ganges meet River Yamuna...
they meet like two sisters or like the love between a mother and a daugther
or maybe of that love like between two soulmates sharing love and life together
When one dips ones hand in the water oh Holy Mother Ganga
how does one separate the drops of Ganges from that of yamuna
Such Love is to have the freedom of space, for expanding love eminating from one's heart
True Love does not ask for a name or for a reason to be loved.
like a true river..it just flows down the ages, seasons of Time..
gathering little streams of love, care and understanding..
and passing flowing through the stonewalls of Time...
for true love is beyond of a need of a name,
and of a want of nameplate or a signboard..on ones house...
It understands the yearning of a call of yearning of another heart..
without the sound of a doorbell or a knock
it does not want the need to be binded in mere word for love..
for it dreanches in wholesome outpouring rain...from head to toe
in the the sheer helpless beauty of Love in all..
When a spirit calls for another...it is in knowing of its thirst or yearning to merge into another.

A Mother

A mother is as Divine as the Divine itself
Every mother carries the seat of River Divine in her Heart.

The river of ganges that flows from mountain top
or the little stream that trinkles through a hole in a pipe
carry the same Divine in them..

When she flows from the Himilayas she is known as Maa Ganga(mother Ganga)
the water flowing from the sewage pipe..
has the same divinty inside
but how we treat the her to be unholy & unpure..
while loving the River so much to call it such Divine..


I have seen the love of a mother inside a womans heart..
who could not give birth to any child..
and I have seen with the same eyes..
the plight of all the children..who were
thrown to life by their mothers only to die..

A Mother cares so much for her child
that she pours all her Being giving her all like River Ganges.
accepting all the dirt..and the mud to become a filthy pile of water
wheather she gives like the River..or receives in compassion of a sewage channal..
she is same as motherly & Divine..

Sea Divine

Every person of every kind..
is a circle or wheel of Love thats Divine,

Every person of every kind..
is a story, a poem, a painting & a song

Every person of every kind..
is a life's truth told in a new way

Every person of every kind..
is a piece of the jigsaw puzzle of Life..

Every person of every kind..
is a Drop in the Sea Divine

And when one drop of the sea
joins the another to become One
to flow with love..to learn & share
with the passage of time
becoming the abundant Sea Divine
then every person of every kind..
meets his/her true purpose
of being the infiniate spirit
in the flow of life..

A Poem on What we are made up of

We are made of same clay just different colour..
In us we have the same song with no words.
Sung by the Divine Spirit in our Love.
We are born to live those words
and remember it through our Life
in our thoughts, feelings and deeds
in our Being of who we are from inside


Happiness is in listening to a spirits call...
in sharing abundantly in Love.
in singing merrily without caring for lyrics..to please no one but self..
happiness is in being free...and being a mirror to all..
mirror showing beauty behind scars..
happiness is in being True to oneself
happiness is in counting blessings
in grace, awe, faith, hope, peace & Joy..