~~Nachi's Poems~~

A Collection of My Poems

Monday, May 16, 2005

Poems on War

The soldiers on both side Fight the War in belief in their God..
and it makes one compare to find out the lesser evil of these Two Gods..
Our God asks for killing for Peace and to Rape the helpless woman, and harm innocent child
and their God asks them to slaughter a man..
since when did the God felt this thirst for Blood?
and Since when did God asked for men to rape, kill and loot on Childs Faith in God?
A Friend tells me that the Satan is No More in this world..
And I say to Him..with all the Killings, Rapes Going on in Gods Name..
Maybe it isn't Surprise that the Satan Has left our world..
Maybe Its Fight between Two Gods Hereon..
Its a War between Our God and Their God..
Such is the time that People do not fear Satan Anymore..
Evil has lost its shine of the sword.
Man has created A New Satan in the Name of God.
Everytime someone gets killed, raped or hurt I tie a knot to my heart
Everytime I shout in anger and pain...I tie another knot..
and then there comes a time..when the Heart goes soo small
wrinkled and wrangled and it hurts and bleeds even to touch the heart..
So I think of Love and Loving Someone Instead..
to untie one knot..
and as the forces march on with their wars and games of hatred.
I too charge up myself with a war..
The war of Hugging, Kissing, loving As many People As I can..
To Bring Life back to hearts, and to untie the knots that I have in my heart.



A spiritual Friend told me recently that Satan has left our world..That there is not no Satan anymore.
I could only laugh..I have been wanting to write a poem on the ongoing confusing battle of two powers..There is a Brute Power of Muscle and force and the other one is of Illiterate, illfeed people.
So I felt like writing poems on this mad rush of war, hatred & love.


  • At November 13, 2006 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Where is your picture sweetie, i know you babe,your words, are a legacy. why hasnt anyone discovered you baby?

  • At November 15, 2006 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your blog is beautiful...........
    You have so much talent.........and I am so proud to be your friend.
    You are a special person with a sweet spirit.
    Love ya hun,


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