~~Nachi's Poems~~

A Collection of My Poems

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I was There too and was Here too

I was there too and was Here too.
I was one amongst the crowd who threw stones on the Lord.
I was there too amongst the Priests who saw it with the lewd smile
who gave orders to crucify HIM and nail HIM to die

I cried tears of Blood for HIM being one amongst the millions who cried.
I gave my heart to HIM to Pay for the Sins that we all had committed in all.
And to pay for the lewd smile on my face and for the stone in my hand.
And for the sin that I committed in being indifferent & heartless To HIM in

HE Paid For the Sins that I had Committed in many faces and hands.
HE Paid the Price with a Smile On His Face..and With Compassion and Heart.

HE came again on Earth and Lived the Life of a Man.
HE choose to Fight without a Weapon..with a Love in HIS heart and Open
HE cleaned the Toilets, walked with bare feet and naked to be one amongst
IT was the Fight Between Greed, Dirt of a Human Mind and Divine Heart.
Then came a Time when I Fired bullets at HIM piercing His Heart and Taking
HIS Life
And HE paid the Price for All My Sins Put together of past, present and
future beforehand
I stood there being one Amongst the crowd who shed tears of blood once again
for him and who tried from Heart.
And I saw My Face in Every Face..that took HIS Life or Loved HIM and Cried.
I was there too and was Here too.
In Killing HIM and Wanting HIM to Die and Paying Up with My Hearts Love as


I wanted to write this poem for long time..on God and Gandhi and I amongst
Alll who took his life or loved HIM and cried.


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