~~Nachi's Poems~~

A Collection of My Poems

Thursday, May 05, 2005

A Poem on Beauty in Self

A Poem on Beauty in Self (in All of us )

Who is to tell you wheather You are beautiful or not.
Does Your Beauty needs a permission to BE itself..
Does a Rose asks us before it comes into existance?
Did Any bird ever asked You before it took off for a flight?
They didint do so because they are simple creatures of God
God hears so many complaints from Humans from everywhere..
But it is nowhere written..in our Holy Books..
about God getting a Complaint from a Bird, Flower or Animal of any kind

So Yes..You over there...You..You..You
You are a perfect creation of God..
Perfect in body, mind, Spirit & in Heart.
Are you a Rose, Dolphin or a Butterfly?
If You are none of these..dont complain or be sad..
You are just as beautiful and unique as they are..
Just feel the fragrance of a Rose inside You
and the Spirit of a Butterfly..
and Take flight like a Dolphin from the sea of Life to the open, abdandant, clear blue Sky..


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